Introducing Doron Almog | The Jewish AgencyIntroducing Doron Almog
Major General (Res.) Doron Almog

Introducing Doron Almog

Introducing Doron Almog

The Jewish Agency for Israel’s Chairman of the Executive

Introducing Doron Almog

The Jewish Agency for Israel’s Chairman of the Executive

“The connection between the State of Israel and global Jewry is of existential strategic importance. We will work together to increase Aliyah and absorption, build stronger connections with world Jewry, reinforce mutual commitment and love of humankind, and strengthen the weaker sections of Israeli society,” said Doron, The Jewish Agency for Israel’s new Chairman of the Executive.

Maj. Gen. (Res.) Doron Almog previously served as the Commander of the Southern Command (2000-2003). Almog founded and serves as Chairman of the Adi Negev-Nahalat Eran Rehabilitation Village, named after his son Eran, who died at a young age from Castleman’s disease. Almog was one of the torchbearers on Independence Day (2006), as a token of appreciation for his contribution to the development of the Negev. Almog is the recipient of the Israel Prize for Lifetime Achievement and Special Contribution to Society and the State (2016) and Chairman of the Israel Security Award Committee (2022).

Meet Doron Almog: